ASSCE held its annual board meeting on July 21st, 2022 via Zoom. Eight out of the nine Board Directors and the Secretary attended the meeting. Executive Director, Nian Liu, hosted this event. The meeting started with President Huiwen Li’s review of ASSCE’s performance in 2021-2022. In the review, Huiwen Li summarized the outstanding achievement ASSCE had made and then expressed his appreciation of each team member’s solid support and significant contribution. Board members approved the updates of the By-laws by voting, mainly concerning the presidency and board membership terms. At the meeting, the director of each department also made an operational report with constructive proposals for the new year. The Board then discussed the reports and decided to continue talking about proposals after the meeting so that the annual plan can be reached. The meeting concluded with an initial plan for next year’s international conference.
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查看全部2024年11月15日,美國書法教育學會(ASSCE)舉辦了一場線上研討會,由中國書法界的傑出學者和實踐者周斌教授作了一場啟發性的講座。這場題為“中國書法的精神與美學”的講座吸引了來自世界各地的書法愛好者和專業人士。 周斌教授分析了書法家的氣質特征及其對筆法韻律和流暢性的影...
On May 17th, 2024, the American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education hosted a highly anticipated Zoom webinar titled "From Calligraphy...
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