The Appreciation of Shufa 谈书法鉴赏
In the evening of July 17, 2020, Professor Baojian Deng (邓宝剑) was invited by the ASSCE to give a talk on Chinese calligraphy appreciation (观看之道—谈书法鉴赏) on Zoom. Professor Deng Holds a Ph.D. in Literature and is a professor in Chinese Calligraphy at Beijing Normal University. The two-hour long event was inspiring and profoundly educational. Professor Deng delved into historical literature and compared numerous calligraphy work to explain the appropriate ways in calligraphy appreciation in a vivid and involving way. The four general principles proposed was illustrated with abundant examples which made the otherwise abstract conceptions crystal clear. About one hundred and twenty audience attended the talk and actively interacted with Professor Deng in the half-an-hour discussion after the talk. This event initiated the series of ASSCE talks on Calligraphy Culture and Education. For more information of incoming talks and events, please visit ASSCE website and search coming event. (Nian Liu)
Prof. Baojian Deng, Beijing Normal University
Screenshot (1) of Prof. Deng's presentation: Title
Screenshot (2) of Prof. Deng's presentation: Four general principles of Shufa appreciation