A Chinese calligraphy curriculum and instruction seminar was held virtually on Zoom on June 23, 2022. The event was sponsored by ASSCE and Bard College Chinese Program. ASSCE’s Executive Director, Dr. Nian Liu hosted the seminar. The five speakers were Chunmeng Wang (Durham Academy), Huiwen Li (Bard College), Pengfei Li (Vanderbilt University), Ren Li (Brockton High School), and Ran Zhao (University of Virginia). The talks covered a variety of topics on Chinese calligraphy education, including curriculum design, instructional approaches, cultural activities, and learning assessment. The seminar lasted two hours and was concluded with a Q&A session where the speakers answered some questions from the audience. Below is a list of the presentations given:
Integrating Calligraphy and Poetry in Chinese language Classroom Chunmeng Wang
Calligraphy Script Selection and Instruction Huiwen Li
From Basic Strokes to a Calligraphic Piece: A Step-by-step Approach to College Calligraphy Education in the United States Pengfei Li
Sharing Calligraphy Related Activities at Holiday Events Ren Li
Unlocking the Treasure Box of Chinese Calligraphy: A Holistic Course Design Highlighting the Lifelong Benefits of Calligraphy Ran Zhao
With the collaboration of overseas institutions, ASSCE hosts an international symposium every two years discussing hot but big topics on Chinese calligraphy education. This seminar was an additional initiative aiming to build a platform where the educators can share and discuss the micro-level particulars of course development and teaching approaches. Through hosting the regular international symposiums and the newly developed small-scale seminars, ASSCE and partner institutions hope to play a more prominent role in improving the Chinese language and culture programs in North America.